Selling  Level 80+  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Top War VIP15 3SSR GM Navy

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jeffery435, 9/26/21.

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  1. Jeffery435

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    As per title, I have a VIP15 for sale.

    This is a NAVY main LAND sub lineup and i'll list out the goodies you gonna get from this.

    - Bailos Exclusive skill Lv.7
    - Akatora Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Optimus Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Villiers Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Bessel Exclusive skill Lv.4
    - Amalia Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Tywin, Ganso Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Bradley Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Katyusha Exclusive skill Lv.4
    - Nimitz Exclusive skill Lv.4
    - Bellevue Exclusive skill Lv.5
    - Cruzo Exclusive skill Lv.3

    - All SR,R heroes are full perks
    - SSR have 10 full perks
    - 12 base SKINS!! (all permanent)
    - 9 base decor
    - Grand Marshals perks research can soon complete
    Components : Land Navy full set Lv10, Air ROF10 with the rest Lv9
    Mastery : Land 7 Navy 7 Air 5
    Formation Assault Lv10
    5 Full sets Decor (Holiday, Thanksgiving, Military)
    Suppression : Land both Lv72, Navy both Lv73, Air both Lv71

    Additionally, you gonna get a lot of items in bag

    - Hospital size 59
    -Dock capacity- 151+55
    - Valhalla unlocked : Y-1, F-4x, A-160
    This account has invested a little over 35,000USD

    I have uploaded most of the images, if you're serious please ask for more information
    Price is # if reasonable.

    Attached Files:

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