Sold Selling non steam ESO 1900cp+ account 1st owner - Houses, trial trifectas, Apex and Radiant Apex mou

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oswald12, 9/28/22.

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  1. Oswald12

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    - 11 toons (2 necromancers, 2 dragonknights, 2 templar, 1 warden, 2 sorcerer, 2 nightblade)

    - 5/7 trials trifectas: Immortal Redeemer, Gryphon Hearth, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Dawnbringer and Godslayer

    High Isle, Elsweyr, Morrowind, Greymoor, Blackwood and Summerset

    - Ezabi the Banker and Fezes the Merchant

    - Necromancer and Warden class

    - 60+ titles from quests, archievements, pvp, exploration

    - Cadwell Silver and Gold completed

    - All gear sets to start endgame like Bahsei, Tzogvin, Kinras and more

    - 70+ mounts (18 horses, 16 felines, 2 arthropods, 9 bipedals, 5 camelids, 8 canines, 7 cervines, 1 constructs, 3 heavyweights, 1 toys and 5 ursines, incluiding Godslayer mount, radiant apex and apex mounts from crown crates

    - 30+ pets

    - 1 nightblade master crafter with 9 trais on weapons, 9 on jewelrys and 8 on armor

    - 2 toons rank 25+ pvp and 1 rank 30+ (1 necromancer, 2 dragonknight)

    - various pvp sets such as Plaguebreaker, Clever Alchimist, Vicious death, Dark convergence and more

    - Mythic Itens (thrassian stranglers, harpooner's kilt, malacath band, markyn ring of majesty, pale order)

    - 1 full furnished house and 3+ large empty houses

    - max level skill lines on toons such as psijic guild, mages guild, fighters guild and excavation/scrying for mythic items

    - 2800+ outfit styles

    - 20+ skins from trial/dungeon such as Z'maja Shadow, Sunspire ice-fire, Sanctified Silver, Dro-m'athra, Fabrication Sheath and more

    - 18 Personalities (like beast from March of Sacrifices and worm wizard from Fang lair)

    - 7 polymorphs

    - 1000+ crafting material

    - 100+ Costumes

    - Dungeons Arms packs such as Valkyn Skoria, Nerien'th, Balorgh, Prior thieric and more

    - Imperial City, Murkmire and The Deadlands DLC

    - 10mil+ gold

    - Transmute Stones (229)

    - Gears sets to reconstruct

    - all chests from crown store

    DISCORD: OswaldoM#2148
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  2. goodtry

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