Selling  Legendary  Android and iOS  Average  Level 150+  Original Owner (Yes) MAIN account with multiple LEGENDARIES

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CODM Account' started by Funczb, 5/21/22.

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  1. Funczb

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    My friends, I'm having a hard situation, and I need money. I'm selling my 2-year-old main account has had a battle pass since s13, (2020), except for the last one. Contact me if u interested! Thank you!

    2 legendary guns
    DLQ - Holiday
    MSMC - Spacestation

    125+ epic weapon skins
    Inclouding RPD - Orbit, which is one of the most pay to win skin in the game

    90 epic soldiers
    Inclouding Ruin - Bone warrior, from a lucky draw, one of the most admirable skin

    4 diamond / and platinum for snipers, shotguns, lmgs, and melees

    The HUGE crate collection, 36 different types of crates, there is one, which I have 149, and a legendary crate

    24 legendary charm, and 36 legendary calling card

    40k c and 417 cp

    Stats: 5 legendaries in multiplayer, and 1 in br
    About 70k kills and 5500 games played
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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