Selling  All Platforms COD MW any camo in the game

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Warzone Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell CODW Power Leveling' started by TYGRr, 5/23/20.

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  1. TYGRr

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    I will add a glitched version of any camo to all your classes

    It cost 5$ per camo. This is cheap because it is a glitched version of the camo and not the real camo. It is the real camo and everyone can see the camo but if you take it of your class the camo will disappear

    If you add me on discord I can show you proof and gameplay that this is working and not a scam.

    Discord: ElChapo#0786

    Just to be clear! This is not the real camo, this is a glitch and the camo will be removed from your account if you change the camo on the class.

    You can get whatever camo in the game, Includes Damascus, Gold, Platinum, all the secret camos etc.
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