My discord - Kain2616 Almost everythıng you can buy and XM66F Contact me via discord. We can discuss the price, but don't expect a strong #. Please do not write if you are not interested in purchasing an account. There will be no account transfers until full payment is made; payment methods will be discussed on discord. I'm expecting a simple transfer to my account (card), thank you for your understanding. I can make a small # if, along with payment, you offer an account with one ten that interests me (premium or collectible), because I don’t plan to quit the game, but I will play much less often. I provide the email along with the entire account. We will disconnect from the phone number together after you purchase an account. Gold: 32.000+ Silver: 34.000.000+ Free experience: 1.100.000+ The account is full of all sorts of related garbage, it’s easier for me to show it in discord. Tanks on account: Level 10, collectibles: XM66F, T95E6, Object260, Concept1B, Kpz50T, VK90.01, T22medium, Object907, Object268/4, Super Conqueror, VZ-111 5A, AMX M4 mle 54, Carro 45T, Strv K Level 10, Premium: Chieftain Mk6, M60, 121B There are almost all pumpable level 10 tanks, it’s easier to show them in discord. There is 1,100,000 free experience to purchase the remaining few. 9 Collector's and Premium: Cobra, Tl-7-120, Kpz 70, Object 452k, Object 752, K-91, VZ-114, Amkh 30 1er prot, T-55A Almost all the tanks are Level 8, the only thing missing from account is the Scorpion and Action X, almost all the other tanks that you can purchase are already on account. You have the opportunity to return some previously sold tanks for gold, such as Glaasier, Regressor, 50tp prototype, Fixer, Nebulon, Basilisk, Magnatte, Svey. The account is full of gold. And for silver you can always return it to the hangar: amx sda 105, amx cdc, ftsm 50t, type 59, vz-111, vz-112-2, t-44-100, IS3-Defender, Lt-432, STG, E75 TS, M48A2, LeKPZ M 41 90 mm, T26E5 Sheriff, KS-52 LIS, AT 15A, FV201 and many other tanks of level 7 and below. The account is full of silver, you can return at least everything.