Selling  Android and iOS  High End Lv42 blades acc cheap read thread

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Blades Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kotn317, 6/12/20.

  1. Kotn317

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    My Location:
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    Lv42 account from when the game was in beta. I quit playing after beating what was actually available in game. This was in 2019.
    Spent tons of money on the game and had the best gear at the time, i literally know nothing about all the new stuff but i can tell you whats on the account.

    Account linked to bethesda and you will take the bethesda account.

    LV42 with 1300 gems and about 60k gold
    Over 40 silver chests
    ALL buildings are Castle material
    Town hall maxed as well as some other buildings.
    All legendary gear with good rolls
    Hundreds of potions
    Tens of Thousands of materials
    190 revival scrolls
    Lots of decorations

    Screenshots or info upon request.

    I just discovered playerup and made my first sale, it made me want to sell all the games i used to play and make a little cash, this is what made me redownload Blades. I have spent in the 5 digits on this game as i do most games i play and it could be a nice starter account or upgrade for someone who cant afford to spend as much as whales.

    1st come 1st serve i wont reject someones offer if someone offers more than them, but also please dont waste my time. Selling on this platform is tedious and its just a headache for everyone when people arent serious buyers.
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  2. guris

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    Dont lie that you wont reject someone offer if later someone offers more, you already did to me....Be honest Girl....
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