Selling Account : _Play Time 1450 hr. _All Regions and Badges. _Pokedex : Owned 708 and Evolved 359. _Subway and Teleport Unlocked. _Cerulean Cave - Love and Pinkan Island Unlocked. _Dungeon (Forlon Court - Meloetta - Hoopa) Unlocked. _Excavation : Rank Ruins Raider, 8000 Discovery Points. _28 PVP Ready Poke + Team Legendaries have good ivs (Zapdos - Jirachi - Heatran - Landorus_Therian - Keldeo - Diancie) and (Celebi - Tornadus_Therian - Thundurus - Kyurem). _All Synchro Poke + Breloom lvl 100. _ 26 Mega Stones. _Price 250 Dollars only PayPal. _For More Info pm me on Discord : BekOthmane.