Selling   PC  ☀️ Talian's 456 Game Services Shop ✨ Genshin Impact Boosting Services ✨

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by GamingPerson456, 1/19/24.

  1. GamingPerson456

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    Short Description:

    Hello Everyone, I am here to offer my help to any of you guys at a very Affordable Price.
    I've been playing Genshin Impact since the release date and am very experienced in every aspect of the game.
    With my boosting services, you can expect benefits like faster character leveling, farming for better artifacts, mora, XP, grind, and materials, as well as the successful completion of challenging quests, bosses, and Dungeons. The best part of my service is everything is done by hand without any software, hacks, or any kind of #.

    Here are the Terms of my Services:

    Everything is Hand Leveled I do offer the option to stream so you can be sure that no #, hacks, or anything else are being used to complete your order.
    Customer safety is my number 1 priority.
    I Boost From Bulgaria so if your account gets banned during the boost I will compensate you by refunding the whole payment for the order.

    Here are the services I provide for the game:

    :sun: Character ascension + Leveling Services.
    :sun: Zones Full Completion Services.
    :sun: Archon Quests, Story Quests, Teleport Waypoints Services.
    :sun: Events Completion Services.
    :sun: Genshin Impact Collecting Services such as Anemoculus, GeoCulus, Open World Materials Etc.
    :sun: Genshin Impact Other Types of Services like Leyline Farming, Domain Runs, Fishing Services Etc.
    :sun: Account Care + Battle pass Leveling.

    If you need any specific things that you need me to do and are not listed here please let me know i also offer custom orders.

    Here are the prices for some of the services I offer:









    How to get in touch with me:

    You can add me on Discord: Arrow456#2686

    Here are the payment methods I can accept:

    Paypal is the only method I can accept as payment.
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