Selling  SH26-SH30 Very young KG876, R3 in Top Alliance, SH26 170+ million power, 2-3k stats.

Discussion in 'King of Avalon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Safe & Cheap' started by JM1889, 12/2/20.

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  1. JM1889

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    Hello there! I'm selling my SH26 account in the young kingdom 876. The kingdom has been around for a month and a half now, highest ranked players are barely over 300 million. I'm cool with pretty much everyone except for a few people who keep breaking kingdom rules. Our alliance is the top alliance in the kingdom, we also have several branches. I don't have the time to run my account anymore and also don't feel like spending any more money on it. I have a lot of unopened ressources and chests saved up. I'll have around 15-20k gold once the subscription is up, if needed, I'll buy another 30k. If you're interested and want to know the exact amount of ressources saved up or have any other questions, feel free to hit me up. Cheers ✌
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