Selling   S59 - 530k heroes - 438 k titans

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ruenation, 11/15/21.

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  1. Ruenation

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    please contact if you want to buy it.

    Level 130 account.

    write to : [email protected]

    A member of gold league guild. (4-5th in 59th sv. which always makes 7500 titanite/day)

    Main team : (Hero team Total Power - 530 k)

    1- Aurora (130 lvl - red) (Pet - Violet+1 Cain) - Tank - Dodge artifact 6*
    2- Celeste (130 lvl - orange +2) Pet - Axel - Violet +1) Healer - support
    3- Lars (130 lvl - orange +4) (Pet - Violet Mara) Mage - 2 artifact 6*
    4- Krista (130 lvl - Orange +3) Pet - Merlin Violet +1) Mage
    5 - Martha (130 lvl - Purple +1) (Pet - Violet Oliver) Healer

    Alternate heroes for grand arena galahad - keira - yasmin - jorgen - helios - celeste - orion - astarot - qing mao vs vs.

    Water Totem Lvl 81 - 1 star.
    eden = 104k - 120 level
    sigurd = 102k - 120 level
    hyperion = 86k - 120 level
    araji = 81k - 120 level
    nova = 65k - 111 level.

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