Selling  Hay Day - Any 1000 Food (at least 50 for each kind)= 5 USD

Discussion in 'Hay Day Resources - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sibei She, 12/15/20.

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  1. Sibei She

    Sibei She
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Delivery arrangement :

    First Step :-
    1 . Please provide receipt regarding the product you purchased from website.
    2 . Then give me your farm tag# so that I can add you from my farm.
    3 . Give me the list of food
    3 . We will add you by your farm tag# . (You better join our Neighborhoods for communication and taking your material)

    Second Step : when you have finished the first step , please come to roadshop in my farm .

    1 .I will tell you the name and level of my farm
    2 .please inform me when you are at the roadshop
    3 .we will put on hay day materials.
    4 .if your barn is full .please quickly come back upgrading your barn or silo ,and then continue taking your materials in the same farm .

    Contact me by Email: [email protected]
    Neighborhoods Tag: #PGGU8QR9

    Attached Files:

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