Selling  Android and iOS #4 in State 330 - 482mil BP, Plasma 5, 2.5 mil T11 troops, Lvl 60 Chief, VIP 11

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bruhhh57, 4/16/21.

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  1. Bruhhh57

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    Just someone who is tired of this game and wants to recover a fraction of the money spent on it (Spent close to $30k)

    ✔️Sale also comes with:✔️
    - 1 Alt Account, Plasma 3, 131mil BP
    - 6 Farm Accounts.
    - ALL FREE, given to buyer if he/she wants.
    - State Leaderboard: Solo Power #4
    - State Leaderboard: Chief #7
    - State Leaderboard: Hero #13
    - State Leaderboard: Heroes #11

    ✔️#4 Strongest Solo power in State 330:✔️
    - 482mil Battle Power (BP)
    - Lvl 60 Chief
    - VIP 11 (71% to VIP 12)
    - MAXED Gold Chief Badges & Chief Gear (Dominator)
    - Hero Gear Power, all (Gold) Domineering Gear (10.2 mil BP)
    - Total Troops: ~2.5 million Troops
    - Troop Stats: See Picture below (This is BEFORE any buffs at all)

    ✔️Heroes & Troops:✔️
    - All troops T11, Plasma 5, MAXED out Plasma Research Centre)
    - 10 MAXED Legendary Heroes (All the latest Generation heroes)
    - 8 MAXED Epic/Rare Heroes
    - Total Hero Power 50.7 mil BP

    ✔️Key Backpack Items:✔️
    - Biocaps: 558,408++
    - Plasma: Fully Maxed Out (But have 1200 for future updates)
    - Resources: Billions (see Picture)
    - War Buffs: Tons (See Picture, enough for at least 6 months worth of fighting)
    - Advanced Relocators: 92++
    - Legendary Hero Fragments: 265++ (+3 everyday from VIP Crate)
    - Others: See Picture for details on other items.

    - Total Buffs from Skins
    Troop Attack +15.5%
    Troop Defense +20%
    Solo March Speed +75%
    - 7 Permanent Unique HQ Skins
    1) Survivors Castle
    2) Infernal Castle
    3) Limited Edition Christmas Blizzard
    4) Endless Hope
    5) Valentines HQ
    6) Vibrant New Year
    7) Dancing Dragon
    - 15 Permanent March Skins (Too many to list, PM for details)
    - 11 Permanent Frame Skins (Too many to list, PM for details)

    - Max lvl
    - RR Rating S
    - Alliance Showdown Master
    - Alliance Throwdown Expert

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